Sunday, February 24, 2008

Snapshots of the Globe (part 2)

  • 30,000 people will die today from preventable diseases... that was PREVENTABLE diseases TODAY!
  • 3,000 people lost their lives on 9-11... not to diminish those lives, but rather to call attention to the first fact
  • a child dies of hunger every sixteen seconds
  • 40 % of the world lacks basic sanitation facilities
  • Over 1 billion people have unsafe drinking water
  • the #1 way children in Mozambique contract HIV is by sharpening their pencils with their father's razor blades

- Serving with Eyes Wide Open: Doing Short-term Missions with Cultural Intelligence by David A. Livermore

"Everything the Church is NOT about... seeing someone in our midst struggling, and being alone" Rob Bell

I admit that our concerns about disease and health care in the United States are trivial compared to many other places in the world. May we recognize the importance of committing to using our resources to aiding all of God's people of the world.

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