I have decided that I MAY start to dedicate Tuesday's blog as Green Tuesday. You may not give a rip about the environment and thus stop reading my blog forever now because it is our world to do what we want with it, and I don't have the time to mess with it OR you may say that Going Green is interesting but "I will one day start doing that stuff" OR you may think "WOW... what an awesome, cool way to take care of a great thing that God has given us, Brian you are probably one of the smartest people I have ever met, I think this is the greatest thing I have ever read!"
If you are like me... you probably would agree that 'going green' is something you wish you could do to some extent, but you really don't have the time to worry about it, nor is it at the top of the list of concerns you have about the world. That is how I feel. But I still do feel that it is important to take care of our world because we are supposed to, and I really do want to cut out $ that I am WASTING, when I could be using that to open up my financial resources toward some other direction. In saying that here is my first "tip" and maybe only post on GREEN TUESDAY...
So more recently I have tried a different approach than the cold turkey approach. I have now tried to start small. One thing that has worked pretty well for me have been the following:
- Because we don't really trust our well water for drinking daily at our house, we were using individual store bought bottled water.
FACT: it takes 1.5 million barrels of oil to make the bottles of American's bottled water. If this oil were turned to gasoline, the amount of oil would fuel 500,000 station wagons for coast-to-coast road trips (the green book: the Everyday Guide to Saving the Planet One Simple Step at a Time, Rogers and Kostigen 2007).
We now have a water dispenser, for our drinking water, that uses 5 gallon recycleable water jugs. Not only has this eliminated our use of plastic water bottles, but we have saved money as well. Buying plastic water bottles, by the double dozen can get expensive... what a waste of my financial resources...If I don't want to waste my life, I surely don't want to waste my resources.
Great post. I think that "going green" is something every Christian should consider. God did after all give us the job of caring for the Earth. A great book that I think you would enjoy is "Serve God, Save the Planet" by Matthew Sleeth. It is a rare and refreshing look at the environmental movement from a Christian perspective. It also has a lot of tips for those of us that cannot go cold turkey (I'm not sure anyone can).
thanks David...I have heard about that book... I am going to have to read it sometime... That is one of the books I believe Mr. Bell recommended in his God is Green series.
Mr Sleeth was the guest speaker the second week of that series. I am playing bass in AV this weekend if you would like to borrow the book, let me know.
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