Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So I recently got out of my short stint of blog life due in part to several reasons, but most noteably was the indolent behavior (indolent is a new vocab word for me...I asked my wife for another word instead of lazy). What I attribute the cause of my behavior to were the many snow days we had at school. Instead of actually getting stuff done that I needed to get done, I did a bunch of meaningless tasks... thinking much about my blog, but lacking the motivation to do something about it. I do however have a list of 10 posts which I plan on writing soon.

It is strange how if we aren't careful, our circumstances can drastically affect the decisions that we make in our lives. I get so wrapped up in what is going on around me that I often miss what is the most important. Usually the people who are most affected by my decisions made in these cases are the people who are closest to me. I guess that I was really reminded of this with my first real feeling of spring today... I realized that for the past 5 springs, I have had most of my time taken away in coaching a sport. I am really looking forward to having this 'coachless' spring. I feel a renewedness (is that a word?).

I promise to get some of my list of posts up soon. Thanks